I want to introduce you to my practitioner who has done so much to keep me healthy. Please, click here to learn of his practice and why I trust him with my well-being.

David is one of the most caring people I have ever met. He is full of wisdom in natural healing and wellness.

About three years ago I became so sick that my weight went from 180 to 136 in three and one-half months. I had an enlarged prostate gland that showed signs strongly indicating cancer. My kidneys had dropped to 15% of normal function. My blood pressure was in or near the danger area. My bladder was retaining a lot of urine, which I could not release. There were other things, but you get the idea. I was physically a mess.

David not only treated me with acupuncture and herbs, but gave me wise advice on what to have done by other health professionals and how to properly nourish my body. I did not take any drugs or have any operations or intrusive examinations.

I am happy to share with you that I have been healthy for three years. With this type of treatment, there are no side effects. There is no apparent indication of cancer, I quickly regained weight and have leveled off at 167. I am full of energy. The only sickness I have had during the last 3 years is a cold about once per year, which lasts less then one week.

Even though I attribute my health to David, my greatest healer has been God. He makes all this possible, as we work in harmony with His ways.
Hillary W says:
I have to say, I am so so grateful for the work you did yesterday.  I already have had such tremendous relief—I’m really amazed!  I’ve done massage therapy, chiropractic work, shoulder braces, stretching exercises, etc. on and off for YEARS, and I have never had the sort of relief that you helped with in one session.  Thank you so much!